Above you can see the current shiftr connections. All connected Arduinos, the webpage for remote controlling and the topics (currently two: lamp and ventilator).
Tag: shiftr
Arduino Shield for Dimming Light
After having assembled the electronics on a breadboard I decided to solder a shield for my Arduino Yun. The power supply delivers 5V which is exactly the power the arduino needs to run. That’s why I could feed power into the Vin pin. In the end I only need to plug it in, it will connect to the internet and receive incoming messages from shiftr.io.
Video Documentation: Dimmable Lamp
Video Documentation: High Power LED dimming via Web from Jones Merc on Vimeo.
Using shiftr.io, an Arduino Yun and any sort of publishing device to shiftr (in this case a webpage publishes commands to increase or decrease LED brightness) allows me to control a lamp. This means I can also use gestures to trigger the publishing of those commands.
First gesture lamp prototype
Video Documentation: Gesture Lamp Prototype 1 from Jones Merc on Vimeo.
By connecting a relay with the internet (shiftr.io, Arduino Yun) I am able to control a lamp via gestures using a Leap Motion to detect movements. This prototype can now serve for further user testing to see how people will interact and if they discover the control-gestures by themselves.
Relay connected to the web
To build a lamp prototype which is controllable via gestures I built a relay attached to a normal extension cable. It can connect to the internet and by using Shiftr.io I can send commands from different sources.
Next step will be to use my Leap Motion to send those commands.