
This blog serves as a project documentation platform for my bachelor project, which I am carrying out in the context of my bachelor’s degree in interaction design at ZHdK. I collect interesting posts and pages about the subject of gesture interactions, especially micro-gestures. I also post my own thoughts, experiments and prototypes in the context of micro-gestures.

The project itself is mainly about the question how we might interact in the future with screenless digital devices. The outcome of the practical part of the project includes three objects (music player, a ventilator and a lamp) which are connected with the internet (see Internet of Things) and can be controlled with gestures. In a future, where more and more of those «smart» objects exist, it is hard to imagine that every one of them has its own screen as an interface between the user and the device.
My bachelor project explores the the possibilities and potential of gestures in that context and demonstrates how a personal exchange with objects in the era of the «Internet of Things» could look like.

All of the three objects can be controlled via gestures. So far so good. But what if a new and unexperienced user is being confronted with such a device. How does he know how to interact with it?
I am trying to address those questions and to show solutions for this difficulty. This may be by the approach of playing acoustic hints and letting the user explore a bit, or also by providing an assistant, which reacts adequately and tailored to the users skill and learning speed. And of course by testing which gestures work best for most of the users.


Jonas Scheiwiller