Video Sketch: Movie Scrubbing

Video Sketch: Movie Scrubbing via Micro-Gesture from Jones Merc on Vimeo.

The video sketch attempts to convey the feeling of controlling a video via micro-gestures. Grabbing the playhead and sliding it back and forth.
Such a scenario could be used in presentations for example, where it’s inappropriate to head over to an attached computer and move the playhead via mouse or trackpad. To further explore the possibilities brought by such an interaction a prototype is indispensable.

Micro-gestures Library Video Sketch

Video Sketch: Micro gestures library from Jones Merc on Vimeo.

The video is an attempt to visualize the most important and easiest micro-gestures. During the making a few things got clear.
– First a gesture must preferably consist of a natural hand position. Otherwise executing the gesture is getting strenuous over time.
– Second, some points did not get clear by just executing the gesture. For example it will only get clear how useful and how exact those movements are to control machines or processes if a working prototype is available. (Is the scrolling gesture exact enough but still offers the possibility to scroll through a whole document quickly?)

All in all this video can still serve as a basic library and as a starting point to develop some gestures further in the prototyping step.

Micro-gesture Definition

A micro-gesture (microgesture) is a gesture that is created from a defined user action that uses small variations in configuration, or micro-motions. In the most general sense, micro-gestures can be described as micro-interactions. Being that micro-gestures use small variations in configuration and motion, gesture actions can be achieved with significantly less energy than typical touch, motion or sensor-enabled gestures. This has great benefits for users as it allows effortless interactions to occur in rapid succession which directly supports greater fidelity and productivity within natural user interfaces.

Is a definition for «micro-gesture» found on

I want to highlight the point that micro-gestures are very easy to perform and I want to add that they also have the advantage of being very unobtrusive.