Above you can see the current shiftr connections. All connected Arduinos, the webpage for remote controlling and the topics (currently two: lamp and ventilator).
Month: May 2016
Video Shoot
Ventilator 2.0
Lamp Reborn
Video Documentation: Gestures
Ventilator Gets a New Stand
To bring the ventilator and the radio closer together (look), I started to work out a new stand for the ventilator. It has the same rounded edges as the radio (comparison here) does and will soon also be painted white.
Video Documentation: Radio with Assistant
Video Documentation: Radio with Assistant from Jones Merc on Vimeo.
Although I removed the assistant from my final project outcome, I still wanted to have a proper documentation of it. In the video above, you can see one possible user flow when interacting with the radio. The assistant helps you find new gestures. The assistant checks the users progress and brings up new hints about still hidden features or gestures respectively. Of course this was a very neat sequence and few users would have found the «OK-gesture» immediately. But even in those cases the assistant would answer accordingly.